Saturday, May 14, 2016

Vegan LOW FAT Biscuits and Gravy!!!

MMMM.....Biscuits and gravy, so delicious and so very bad for you! Bad for your health, bad for the animals, loaded with fat, grease and animal flesh. There is nothing redeemable about it..... until now!!


This recipe is so good and so much better for everyone involved. Now I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "health food" as it does use a lot of processed ingredients but it is BY FAR better for you then the original! We replaced the animal flesh with Gimme Lean vegan sausage, the butter and milk in the biscuits with cooked potato and unsweetened soy milk, and the milk in the gravy with soy milk as well.

It is thick, creamy and delicious with beautiful fluffy biscuits, I just can't get enough! Even if you aren't vegan, this alternative is a great way to eat what you love and not suffer the consequences, My omnivore husband approves!  


Biscuit ingredients 

2 cups white or whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic powder (optional)
1 tsp onion powder (optional)
1 Tbsp sugar (optional)
1 cup cooked, peeled, mashed potatoes
1 cup soy milk


Mix flour, baking powder and seasonings until combined. Add in the potato and use a pastry cutter until mixture forms fine crumbles. Then add the soy milk and combine with wooden spoon. Turn out onto a floured surface and add extra flour if dough is still sticky. Pat out to about 1/2 inch thickness but be careful not to over work the dough, the lest amount of tampering will result in the fluffiest biscuits. Use a biscuit cutter or a glass and cut out biscuits. Place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper. You should get around six biscuits, it will just depend on the size biscuits you cut out. Preheat oven to 400 F and bake for 15-20 min

Gravy Ingredients

1 package Gimme Lean vegan sausage or any vegan sausage alternative of your choice.
1/4 cup white or whole wheat flour
2 cups soy milk
1 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp pepper


Cook package of vegan sausage until warmed through and crumble with spatula. You may have to add about a 1/4 cup water to the pan to keep the sausage from sticking because there is no fat or grease like traditional sausage. Once the vegan sausage is hot and crumbled, sprinkle the flour evenly over sausage and mix thoroughly. Once sausage is completely coated, slowly add the soy milk and mix together. Turn to medium heat and add seasonings (taste along the way and add more if desired) stirring occasionally until desired thickness. Keep in mind that gravy continues to thicken after the heat is turned off.

Biscuits and Gravy directions

Split open a biscuit and lather with gravy!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Angel Of The Day ~ 5/13/16

Sweet Potato French Toast Sticks ~ Vegan (LFWFPB)

I love everything breakfast and one of the things I miss most is french toast! This recipe is a very satisfying alternative, especially for those of us who are doing it whole foods! I used white sweet potatoes here but I have used the regular ones and its just as yummy. The white ones come out looking more like french toast though. So now, without anymore yammering from me I will get on with the recipe! Hope you enjoy!  PS - This recipe is potato cleanse approved.

Preheat oven to 400 F 

2 white (or orange) sweet potatoes 
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 
about 1/4 C maple syrup 
1/2 tsp cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice 

peel and chop sweet potatoes into thick sticks, set aside. Mix the balsamic vinegar, maple syrup and cinnamon (or pumpkin pie spice) with whisk until well combined. 
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper 
coat each sweet potato stick in the mixture and place on lined baking sheet. 
bake for 20 minutes than flip and bake for another 20 minutes. 
remove from baking sheet while still hot 

These are delicious with or without male syrup. Hot or cold! (You could even sprinkle with powdered sugar if you feel like getting crazy!)  

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Redemption of Atlantis

In the beginning, we are told that Adam and Eve succumbed to the temptation of the serpent and ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They had disobeyed the will of the father and we are told that God punished them by kicking them out of the garden.
I have been shown the meaning behind this symbolism in reference to our separated state at this time and what it means for our journey home.

First, I think its important that we establish that things can not be done outside the will of the Father. He is oneness and even Satan is under His authority and can not act outside of Gods authority. So that would lead one to conclude that Adam (which means "humanity" in Hebrew) never acted outside of Gods plan for him, but instead was fulfilling the purpose that God created him for.

It is said that it was a "serpent" that tempted Eve to "eat the fruit" and the effect was that she could then perceive "good" and "evil" which inevitably leads to fear. The first thing that we are going to breakdown is the character of the serpent. There is a portion of our brain that governs our fight and flight response and that portion is known as the R-complex ( also known as the reptilian brain. i.e. the "serpent".
It was our decision to listen to the voice of our reptilian brain and succumb to fear that separated us from the voice of the Father. It has governed our awareness ever since and, ultimately, is the only choice we ever make.
The Garden of Eden was actually a dimension. The 12th and highest dimension where we could commune with God directly. When we chose the voice of fear we instantly fell from that dimension and, if you notice in the scriptures, it's the first time we started to perceive God with fear. From there we fell from the Garden and into time. There are several other dimensions that we experienced in our "fall" but I want to discuss our time on the fifth dimension.

We were in fifth dimensional awareness during the time of Atlantis. We had a long time there and were making great spiritual strides in universal understanding and divine wisdom. So much so that we might have been able to make the return to oneness consciousness from there. It was during this time that we understood the quantum field and used energy medicine, sacred geometry, and the power of the mind and heart to effect our reality, drawing us closer to each other and as a result closer to God. We built great cities and had harmonious societies that were based on cooperation and love. And then the serpent appeared again, influenced by other dimensional beings, and the minds of the people started to listen to the voice of fear once again. This time it was detrimental to our consciousness. These beings set themselves up as gods and encouraged sacrifices and war and the consumption of animal flesh. We could no longer remain at fifth dimension and with the global flood the consciousness of humanity fell to the third dimension under the stronghold of these beings of darkness and locked into the reptilian mind.
War, death, disease, destruction, fear and pain has been the dominate vibration of our existence since the flood. We are being held in this frequency with symbols, rituals, and genetic manipulation. The tides are turning, however, and try as they might, they cannot stop our awakening to the truth!

The most important lesson we can learn is to listen to the voice of God. The voice of oneness and love and not fall into the temptation to listen to the voice of the serpent anymore. At the end of the day we are left standing before the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (fear) and tree of life (love) making this ancient decision again.

We are on the path of becoming what we were created to be. We have faced trials and are learning the deep truths of reality and creation and we will continue on our path upwards and into our collective destiny.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Raise Your Frequency with Food!

For a few years now I had been getting the message to clean up my diet and lifestyle. To get rid of the harmful processed and low vibrational foods that were a part of my everyday. It was a huge issue for me because I was definitely a food addict! I hated dieting and calorie counting, just the thought sends shivers down my spine. It was always a horrible experience. As a result of all that I had gained weight over the years. A LOT of weight. In fact, I think that every time I went on a diet I ended up eating more than I would have if I just didn't "diet" in the first place, LOL! At the same time as all that, I had always struggled with my extra sensory abilities. Things just didn't seem to come in very clearly. I have always been clairsentient but it was like a radio that was slightly off its frequency or a piano out of tune.
I have heard many prominent spiritual teachers talk about the spiritual and psychic benefits of eating a cleaner, primarily plant based, diet. I knew it was probably true but I wasn't totally sold on the idea, mostly because it wasn't convenient. 
A few months ago I made the transition to a whole foods, plant based, high carb vegan diet. I know, such a mouth full! But its important because each one of those things is indicative of the high vibrational lifestyle I am discussing here. Whole foods are important because the least amount of destruction and interference on the food from people, the more intact its vibration will be. Plant based is important because plants are the actual fuel and most compatible food for the human vibrational system. Processed chemicals are dead and very damaging to our bodies. High carbohydrate rich foods, in their whole plant form, are the pure source of fuel for the brain. They keep our energy, and therefore our vibration, high and sharp and literally keep you from craving junk food! Vegan because it is the most love based and compassionate lifestyle, when our egos don't get involved.
After I made this transition it was like my life took a gigantic leap forward as my vision for what I wanted became crystal clear. Along with my motivation to make it happen and confidence in my abilities to make it happen. I literally broke free from mental blocks and cycles that kept me stuck in a low vibration of self doubt and misery. Its amazing what happens when you quite eating dead things and start to consume living energy! 
In a very short time my business started to pick up and move forward. I find that during my client angel card readings my clairvoyance is super vivid and I can literally see, feel and know exactly what they Angels are saying. This is a huge deal as I've never really thought of myself as "clairvoyant" before. Not only that, but I don't doubt the messages either, I have confidence that these messages are accurate, where before I always second guessed myself. 
I still cant believe how much my life has changed after making the transition to a Vegan lifestyle! Or how much spiritual and psychic growth I have experienced as a result. It really is living at a higher frequency!
If you have been getting the guidance to make lifestyle and dietary changes, I'm here to tell you, follow them! You will be amazed at the results! 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Earth Angel Healing Ceremony New Moon April 7th, 2016

Earth Angel Healing Ceremony. New moon April 7th, 2016! This was a beautiful and powerful ceremony! Thank you to everyone who was involved! If you are interested in being involved in the next Healing Ceremony it will be taking place on the full moon, April 22nd, 2016! All healing ceremonies come with a free Angel Healing Stone

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dream Journey ~ Healing

While napping this afternoon I was taken to a lady, in desperate need of healing. Its always an interesting experience because it seems to simple when it happens but when I try to describe it, its deeper and more complicated to explain. I'm never quite sure exactly how its happening other than I know that it is and its probably occurring on another dimension. Because the dream world is outside of time, it all happens at once, quite seamlessly actually. I'm not at the point where I am aware of what is happening while its happening just yet, I simply know it happened.

This one was a lady in her early fifties probably. I remember how soft her skin looked and clear her eyes were, filed with sadness. She was depressed and mourning her youth. She told me that 32 was her perfect year. That by 32 years old she had been mature enough not to let the little things get to her but young enough to look and feel her best. She said that she knows she can never be as happy as she was when she was 32. This thought, or belief, had really been causing her pain. So we talked, and the great thing about dreams is that we can move around in time. So I asked her to question the truth about the belief that year 32 was as perfect as she was saying. We went back there and she saw that she had struggled a lot during that year. That actually, that year was one when she learned maturity and struggled with self love, she didnt really appreciate her youth. In fact, she was already mourning it. It was probably one of her roughest years that also came with the most self growth. She wasn't happy the whole time like she thought she remembered. That, really, her true happiness about that year came in hindsight. I then asked her to question the belief that she could never be as happy as she was at 32. That's when the actual revelation appeared. The best day, week, month, or year of our lives could be happening right now! You never know because these kinds of perspectives only happen in hindsight. And you never really know when its going to happen next either.

You should have seen the light come back into her eyes as this realization dawned on her. As possibility once again spread across her awareness she said "I could experience the best day of my life tomorrow or next Tuesday!" All of a sudden she was free of a belief system. Free of time and free from her depression. She was healed.
Its really our thoughts and beliefs that cause us pain.

The lesson of happiness being experienced in hindsight is a serious one while I think of it in my fully conscious state. Think about it, how often have our biggest struggles become our most treasured memories? Especially the times we struggle and overcome. Struggles that are filled with growth and lead to new experiences. We tend to chase the things we believe will bring us happiness. We usually have some kind of expectation of how its going to appear, what it will look like and exactly what it will feel like. Usually we are disappointed when this expectation fails us and we feel as though something has been taken from us. But the truth is that our expectation of happiness was never Real to begin with. We live our lives in worlds of illusions, in belief systems. This is a double edge sword because its how we create but the problem is that we get caught up in an illusion as if its reality and miss whats is actually Real. Being present with Reality in the moment is the only thing that's Real. See it with out meaning, in its raw state. Drop the expectation. The story of what we believe "should/shouldn't" be happening and know that at any moment you could be experiencing the happiest time of your life. Be present for it. Treat every moment as if is the happiest and you wont miss it!

Earth Angel Affirmations ~ Divine Guidance

Earth Angel Affirmations ~ Vulnerability

Monday, April 4, 2016

My Favorite Burrito ~ Vegan

This is my new OBSESSION right now. These burritos are so good and SO healthy! I make up a batch of spanish rice and vegetarian fat free (oil free) "refried" pinto beans and make these burritos with the left overs all week! The secret ingredient that makes them different from EVERY other burrito out there, potatoes. Okay, okay, im sure someone else has discovered this at some time. But seriously, the potatoes are where its at! 

So first off, preheat your oven to 400 F. Peel and dice 2 potatoes and season with chili powder, salt, cumin, paprika and a small amount of cayenne. Toss potatoes to coat evenly. Line a baking dish with parchment paper and spread potatoes. Bake for 20 mins then flip and bake for another 20 mins. They should look something like this! 

Next, warm your tortilla and layer spanish rice, "refried" beans, add potatoes top with guacamole and pico de gallo. Now I like them just like this but my hubbs likes the sauce, hot sauce anyway. Sriracha or tapatio or whatever your favorite hot sauce is. Layer it and roll it up! 
Now this part just puts it over the top! The panini grill! My grill is set to sear and I just leave it on there for a few minutes to brown. If you don't have a panini grill you can use a non stick pan.
Well that's it. Its delicious and my obsession will continue! Have a wonderful day! 

2 peeled and diced potatoes (bake 350 F 40 min) 
Spanish rice 
2 cans vegetarian, fat free "refried" pinto beans 
2 tortillas 
pico de gallo
hot sauce (optional) 

Seasoning for potatoes: (these are estimates as I just sprinkle liberally to coat)
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp salt 
1/2 tsp cumin 
1/2 tsp paprika 
1/4 tsp cayenne 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Earth Angel Affirmations ~ Money


Earth Angel Affirmations ~ Manifesting


Chocolate Pudding Brownies hclf vegan!

This recipe will be featured on my youtube channel, "What I ate Wednesday" series! I recently began my vegan journey in an effort to lose weight and regain my health and vitality. I had been getting very strong spiritual guidance and signs that the vegan lifestyle was the right one for me. Since beginning this journey over two months ago I feel happier and it has led to the creation of my website, blog and youtube channel! I am now moving forward on my life purpose and helping other Earth Angels do the same!!
I am following a whole foods, plant based style of veganism and I am so excited about the healthy options that I have, like these delicious brownies! When I first made these I was really unsure how they were going to be. When I took them out of the oven they seemed under cooked, even though the knife came out clean, and were just not the consistency that I would call "brownie". After they cooled, though, OMG they were like this magical combination of chocolate pudding and brownie! Even my boys, who don't like veggies, loved them! With these the "can I have another?" is met with "eat the whole plate!". They are basically the texture and consistency of the middle of a pumpkin pie, which reminds me, I am so making these as pumpkin pie squares! YUM-E! Thats my little story and chit chat about these scrumptious Chocolate Pudding Brownies! Enjoy!

3 baked sweet potatoes, peel and cool
1/2 C maple syrup
1/2 C potato starch
1/2 C cocoa powder
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder

Blend thoroughly. Bake 350 F for 45 min or until knife comes out clean

Earth Angel Affirmation ~ Success!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Heavenly Dream Interpretation

“In a dream, a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon man, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction.” Job 33:15-16

There are several different theories when it comes to interpreting dreams. Some people use a very psychological approach that basically believes that our subconscious psyche or shadow side is generating certain kinds of images as the mind processes things in our life. I believe that this is a general process that our mind does go through and often the dreams we can’t remember, or the ones that are so uninteresting that we forget them as soon as we wake up, are attributed to this subconscious process. There are, however, others who believe that dreams are, in fact, guidance that is coming from a higher source. I believe that this is definitely the case when we have those dreams that are so vivid and realistic that every detail stays with us, sometimes for years. These types of dreams are heaven sent to us earth angels to help guide us, give us assignments, give us clarity, help us to understand why certain things are happening in our lives and, like scripture says, to seal our instruction. Dreams are given because they are a way for Divine guidance to get through without our ego objecting to the message. Sometimes our assignments or the truth of who we are is so grand that our ego mind would never allow us to believe we are capable of such a thing, so the message is given via dream for our spirit to work out in its own time. This is definitely good news because it means that it isn’t 100% necessary to always know exactly what the dream means in order for us to walk out the guidance, our spirit is doing that for us. When we are able to know what they mean, though, it can give us clarity on why things are happening the way they are and relieve some of our anxiety and stress as well as provide us with some instruction on the next step to take. There is also a certain amount of soul growth that comes from searching out the meaning of dreams and the faith it takes to act on the guidance you receive.

It is also important that you keep a record of your dreams because through them you will begin to put together your dream language and have better understanding of the meaning of your dreams. When you start to keep a record of your dreams you will begin to have more dreams that are clearer and easier to remember. That means that even if you can only remember little snippets of dreams at first, write them down anyway. Sometimes dreams are given and the meaning isn’t known until it unfolds in your life. It’s great to have a record to reference. Other dreams are recurring or a sequence of dreams that, put together, reveal the entire message.
Many beings, like angels, visit you in dreams and aid you or teach you things, sometimes it’s not always apparent of their spiritual nature. With a journal you can track what you are learning or being helped with and even call on these beings later.

A few of the different aspects of dream interpretation are:
-Heavenly change: Spirit produces eternal transformation in your life.
-Guided change: The angels show you what your soul needs to overcome.
-Intuitively derived: The symbols in the dream are deeply personal and the meaning must be intuitively known and divinely given.
-Logically derived: Some symbols can be generally interpreted.
-Spiritual beings: certain characters in your dreams are actual spiritual beings, like; Angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, past over loved ones or even negative entities.
-Archetypical characters: people and symbols appear in your dreams in order for you to become more in touch with the collective consciousness.
-Heavenly centered interpretation: God loves you and wants to communicate with you about the situations that are important to you and your role in the Kingdom.
-Soul centered interpretation: Finding self-love and answers from the truth of the good within you, to overcome personal obstacles and strengthen your spirit.
-Predictive: God, being omniscient, knows everything in every direction of time and speaks with you, strengthening your spiritual gifts of clairvoyance and keeping you prepared.
-Non-predictive: Some dreams are about the past and present “you” as you overcome your own limitations.
-Externally spiritually driven: Dream interpretations require a higher, spiritual logic that often seems illogical compared to human logic. Interpreting dreams requires the assistance of the Holy Spirit and angels.
-Internally psyche driven: Dreams are the internal “you” surfacing to your conscious mind. Getting in touch with the “inner you”.
-Theospective: God is speaking to you about your life and destiny because he knows why he created you and what your purpose is. His guidance keeps you on track fulfilling your purpose.
-Introspective: The answers lie within your true self and self-acceptance and self-love are the keys to greater spiritual growth.

The levels of meaning within dreams can be varied and complex having multiple meanings at the same time. Each person has their own dream language including some symbols that can have both general and personal meanings. Some of the aspects of dream interpretation listed above can seem contradictory but are just the many facets of the dream world. 

If you have one of those dreams that you know is filled with meaning and messages but have a hard time deciphering it, check out my heavenly dream interpretation session!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Living Your Purpose

For a long time I had let doubt, poor self image and lack of confidence convince me not to chase down my dream and completely diminish my purpose. I spent my life living excuses and telling myself all the reasons I couldn't do something. In my head I would plan out what I wanted to do and how it would look in the future. On Dec 21, 2015 I got real with one of my biggest hurdles, my weight. I realized that I had spent the last ten years wishing I looked different, avoiding going places, starting diets and sabotaging them and just being miserable, none of which had made any difference. well that's not true it had made me fatter. I finally realized that I did not want to be in the same situation ten, twenty, forty years from now having spent my whole life stuck in the same cycles, living the same miserable unsatisfied life.
So with this determination I began my new lifestyle. In the last month or so it has evolved and developed into a lifestyle of veganism. Mostly high carb, low fat plant based. I still have a long way to go on that front but I'm on the journey.
Following the same realizations I have overcome my self doubt and wishy washy mindset to take some concrete steps on my purpose. I am an Earth Angel and I love nothing more than bringing messages of love and hope to a world that is in desperate need of heavens love. I am driven to help other Earth Angels find their purpose and stay on track. Giving guidance to those who feel temporarily disconnected from Gods voice. Helping them find their wings again. As well as helping them heal and stay energetically clear so that they can stay in contact and alignment with the Kingdom.

If you are reading this then this message is for you. Spread your wings and release the chains of fear, my loves. Chase your dreams with wild enthusiasm and let go of all expectations about how things will turn out. Have faith in the unseen realms ability to place you exactly where you need to be and be eager for each new assignment and opportunity, no matter the size. We are all here on this earth for one purpose, to live our purpose and create a more loving and beautiful world. All your worries, all your doubts and all your fears that you allow to stop you, gives the message to other earth angels that its okay for their worries, doubts and fears to stop them as well and where does that lead us? A world without healers, without messengers of hope. A world where nothing changes. Your mission is huge and you are important. You were given certain fears, doubts and character flaws for one reason and one reason only... to overcome them. You don't fear what other people think of you because you're not meant to do something, you fear it because overcoming it will strengthen your spirit, your true self.
The biggest setback to accomplishing your dreams is having expectations of how things should be. It causes us to lack gratitude about where we are and what we have. It can and does prevent us from experience our true purpose, that which we couldn't even begin to fathom. Expectation is all about living in the future and comparing yourself to your imagined perfect situation. Or even worse, comparing yourself to other people. There is nothing self loving about having expectations.
Setting intentions about the things you want to experience without expectation is self loving, manifesting, creating and being your purpose. Living in the magic of each experience as it happens, fills our hearts with gratitude and our minds with wisdom.
If you are struggling with direction and purpose I urge you to seek out someone on your behalf who can tap into the great creative mind, round up your angels and have a sit down conference about the next steps for you to take. If you are struggling with old wounds and serious mental blocks, I urge you to seek out a healer who can hold a powerful space of truth and love and allow the divine perfection to heal you. Basically, seek out the help that you need to get you inspired and take action because we need your gifts, talents and blessings in this world. You are needed and deeply loved 
If you are interested in spreading your wings, healing your wounds and getting some serious angel guidance, please check out my etsy store, Earth Angel Living in the meantime; "Teach love, for that is what you are" ~ ACIM

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Reflections ~ Release and Surrender

Today is January 12, 2016. My message today is "release and surrender". This has definitely been a theme in my life lately and I am grateful for it. Releasing the things that we absorb, subconsciously and energetically. From other peoples opinions and ideas to the expectations and pre-developed belief systems of society. What is YOU and what is not. I had gotten into the really bad habit of believing that other peoples opinions about my relationship with God was the same as GODS opinion of my relationship with Him. I let fear replace faith and it was restricting and limiting and self abusive. I release that. I have faith that it is God who is leading me on my narrow path and calling me to places that are unacceptable to preconceived beliefs. I also surrender the need to judge others based on my journey and limited understanding. I have faith that it is God who is leading them on their journey, no matter where they are or how they express it.

The Jews say a daily prayer called the shema, part of this prayer is the affirmation "God is One". I choose faith in this, that God is one, and besides Him there is no other god because He is Oneness. Which simply means that all events and circumstances work together for my good, how could they not when God is all there is. So I release fear.

I surrender control and allow others to help me. I am releasing my need to be strong and embracing my vulnerability. I am willing to become the student and truly learn who I am and trust my teachers with my vulnerability. This is not easy for me but I am in my mind most of the time and need to live from my heart, because what is knowledge without love? meaningless.

What are you releasing and surrendering on your journey?

Dream - Stop consuming the same old sh*t!!

Sunday morning I woke up disgusted and freaked out. The dream that I just had was symbolically and emotionally intense! My immediate interpretation was based in the fear that I was on the wrong path because the group in the dream was one I was considering joining again. As the day moved on this dream was continually on my mind and I prayed for Holy Spirit to reveal to me the true interpretation and message.

In the dream I was with a spiritual teacher (that I am a fan of but have never met in real life) and we were going to talk to the pastor of a spiritual group that she was affiliated with but not a part of, (this spiritual teacher has a radio program on this groups website). Anyway when we got to his house I put my purse down and we started talking. He told me that this group has found a way to great healing by...wait for it....consuming their own feces... that's right, absolutely gross, in the dream I was freaking out! He was going on telling me how great this was and then asked me if I would like to try it and then left the room. The spiritual teacher I was with knew about this groups "practice" and that was why she was not part of the group. I asked her if you had to partake in this to be part of the group and she said yes, then she showed me how they start this practice on infants by putting the feces in their bottles (it was a very emotionally intense scene). We decided to leave before the guy came back. As we got to the car I realized I had forgotten my purse in the house and now I had to sneak back in, get it, and sneak back out. I succeeded.

It was the middle of the day when Holy Spirit showed me the truth about what the purse represented and it unlocked the whole meaning of the dream for me. The purse was representing (in this dream) my personal identity. It was then that I realized that "who" the group was in the dream was irrelevant because any group, spiritual or otherwise, can be represented here(which is why I didn't name the group). The symbology is that any group of people who have a set doctrine that they must follow to be considered part of the group (diets, politic, theology, ideology) regurgitate and consume the same old "shit" and lose their personal identity to conform to the group. Even more disturbing was the visual of how children are fed this, instead of guided to find truth, from infancy.

The message to me (and you!) - Learn, seek, ask, question, study but do NOT leave your personal identity behind.

Its really all about walking your path and your personal relationship with God, not about other peoples opinions of your relationship with God. personal identity, personal development, faith in the voice of God to follow where He is leading. So today I leave you with the question, what are you feeding your spirit with?