Friday, April 1, 2016

Heavenly Dream Interpretation

“In a dream, a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon man, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction.” Job 33:15-16

There are several different theories when it comes to interpreting dreams. Some people use a very psychological approach that basically believes that our subconscious psyche or shadow side is generating certain kinds of images as the mind processes things in our life. I believe that this is a general process that our mind does go through and often the dreams we can’t remember, or the ones that are so uninteresting that we forget them as soon as we wake up, are attributed to this subconscious process. There are, however, others who believe that dreams are, in fact, guidance that is coming from a higher source. I believe that this is definitely the case when we have those dreams that are so vivid and realistic that every detail stays with us, sometimes for years. These types of dreams are heaven sent to us earth angels to help guide us, give us assignments, give us clarity, help us to understand why certain things are happening in our lives and, like scripture says, to seal our instruction. Dreams are given because they are a way for Divine guidance to get through without our ego objecting to the message. Sometimes our assignments or the truth of who we are is so grand that our ego mind would never allow us to believe we are capable of such a thing, so the message is given via dream for our spirit to work out in its own time. This is definitely good news because it means that it isn’t 100% necessary to always know exactly what the dream means in order for us to walk out the guidance, our spirit is doing that for us. When we are able to know what they mean, though, it can give us clarity on why things are happening the way they are and relieve some of our anxiety and stress as well as provide us with some instruction on the next step to take. There is also a certain amount of soul growth that comes from searching out the meaning of dreams and the faith it takes to act on the guidance you receive.

It is also important that you keep a record of your dreams because through them you will begin to put together your dream language and have better understanding of the meaning of your dreams. When you start to keep a record of your dreams you will begin to have more dreams that are clearer and easier to remember. That means that even if you can only remember little snippets of dreams at first, write them down anyway. Sometimes dreams are given and the meaning isn’t known until it unfolds in your life. It’s great to have a record to reference. Other dreams are recurring or a sequence of dreams that, put together, reveal the entire message.
Many beings, like angels, visit you in dreams and aid you or teach you things, sometimes it’s not always apparent of their spiritual nature. With a journal you can track what you are learning or being helped with and even call on these beings later.

A few of the different aspects of dream interpretation are:
-Heavenly change: Spirit produces eternal transformation in your life.
-Guided change: The angels show you what your soul needs to overcome.
-Intuitively derived: The symbols in the dream are deeply personal and the meaning must be intuitively known and divinely given.
-Logically derived: Some symbols can be generally interpreted.
-Spiritual beings: certain characters in your dreams are actual spiritual beings, like; Angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, past over loved ones or even negative entities.
-Archetypical characters: people and symbols appear in your dreams in order for you to become more in touch with the collective consciousness.
-Heavenly centered interpretation: God loves you and wants to communicate with you about the situations that are important to you and your role in the Kingdom.
-Soul centered interpretation: Finding self-love and answers from the truth of the good within you, to overcome personal obstacles and strengthen your spirit.
-Predictive: God, being omniscient, knows everything in every direction of time and speaks with you, strengthening your spiritual gifts of clairvoyance and keeping you prepared.
-Non-predictive: Some dreams are about the past and present “you” as you overcome your own limitations.
-Externally spiritually driven: Dream interpretations require a higher, spiritual logic that often seems illogical compared to human logic. Interpreting dreams requires the assistance of the Holy Spirit and angels.
-Internally psyche driven: Dreams are the internal “you” surfacing to your conscious mind. Getting in touch with the “inner you”.
-Theospective: God is speaking to you about your life and destiny because he knows why he created you and what your purpose is. His guidance keeps you on track fulfilling your purpose.
-Introspective: The answers lie within your true self and self-acceptance and self-love are the keys to greater spiritual growth.

The levels of meaning within dreams can be varied and complex having multiple meanings at the same time. Each person has their own dream language including some symbols that can have both general and personal meanings. Some of the aspects of dream interpretation listed above can seem contradictory but are just the many facets of the dream world. 

If you have one of those dreams that you know is filled with meaning and messages but have a hard time deciphering it, check out my heavenly dream interpretation session!

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