Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Dream - Stop consuming the same old sh*t!!

Sunday morning I woke up disgusted and freaked out. The dream that I just had was symbolically and emotionally intense! My immediate interpretation was based in the fear that I was on the wrong path because the group in the dream was one I was considering joining again. As the day moved on this dream was continually on my mind and I prayed for Holy Spirit to reveal to me the true interpretation and message.

In the dream I was with a spiritual teacher (that I am a fan of but have never met in real life) and we were going to talk to the pastor of a spiritual group that she was affiliated with but not a part of, (this spiritual teacher has a radio program on this groups website). Anyway when we got to his house I put my purse down and we started talking. He told me that this group has found a way to great healing by...wait for it....consuming their own feces... that's right, absolutely gross, in the dream I was freaking out! He was going on telling me how great this was and then asked me if I would like to try it and then left the room. The spiritual teacher I was with knew about this groups "practice" and that was why she was not part of the group. I asked her if you had to partake in this to be part of the group and she said yes, then she showed me how they start this practice on infants by putting the feces in their bottles (it was a very emotionally intense scene). We decided to leave before the guy came back. As we got to the car I realized I had forgotten my purse in the house and now I had to sneak back in, get it, and sneak back out. I succeeded.

It was the middle of the day when Holy Spirit showed me the truth about what the purse represented and it unlocked the whole meaning of the dream for me. The purse was representing (in this dream) my personal identity. It was then that I realized that "who" the group was in the dream was irrelevant because any group, spiritual or otherwise, can be represented here(which is why I didn't name the group). The symbology is that any group of people who have a set doctrine that they must follow to be considered part of the group (diets, politic, theology, ideology) regurgitate and consume the same old "shit" and lose their personal identity to conform to the group. Even more disturbing was the visual of how children are fed this, instead of guided to find truth, from infancy.

The message to me (and you!) - Learn, seek, ask, question, study but do NOT leave your personal identity behind.

Its really all about walking your path and your personal relationship with God, not about other peoples opinions of your relationship with God. personal identity, personal development, faith in the voice of God to follow where He is leading. So today I leave you with the question, what are you feeding your spirit with?

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