Friday, April 15, 2016

Raise Your Frequency with Food!

For a few years now I had been getting the message to clean up my diet and lifestyle. To get rid of the harmful processed and low vibrational foods that were a part of my everyday. It was a huge issue for me because I was definitely a food addict! I hated dieting and calorie counting, just the thought sends shivers down my spine. It was always a horrible experience. As a result of all that I had gained weight over the years. A LOT of weight. In fact, I think that every time I went on a diet I ended up eating more than I would have if I just didn't "diet" in the first place, LOL! At the same time as all that, I had always struggled with my extra sensory abilities. Things just didn't seem to come in very clearly. I have always been clairsentient but it was like a radio that was slightly off its frequency or a piano out of tune.
I have heard many prominent spiritual teachers talk about the spiritual and psychic benefits of eating a cleaner, primarily plant based, diet. I knew it was probably true but I wasn't totally sold on the idea, mostly because it wasn't convenient. 
A few months ago I made the transition to a whole foods, plant based, high carb vegan diet. I know, such a mouth full! But its important because each one of those things is indicative of the high vibrational lifestyle I am discussing here. Whole foods are important because the least amount of destruction and interference on the food from people, the more intact its vibration will be. Plant based is important because plants are the actual fuel and most compatible food for the human vibrational system. Processed chemicals are dead and very damaging to our bodies. High carbohydrate rich foods, in their whole plant form, are the pure source of fuel for the brain. They keep our energy, and therefore our vibration, high and sharp and literally keep you from craving junk food! Vegan because it is the most love based and compassionate lifestyle, when our egos don't get involved.
After I made this transition it was like my life took a gigantic leap forward as my vision for what I wanted became crystal clear. Along with my motivation to make it happen and confidence in my abilities to make it happen. I literally broke free from mental blocks and cycles that kept me stuck in a low vibration of self doubt and misery. Its amazing what happens when you quite eating dead things and start to consume living energy! 
In a very short time my business started to pick up and move forward. I find that during my client angel card readings my clairvoyance is super vivid and I can literally see, feel and know exactly what they Angels are saying. This is a huge deal as I've never really thought of myself as "clairvoyant" before. Not only that, but I don't doubt the messages either, I have confidence that these messages are accurate, where before I always second guessed myself. 
I still cant believe how much my life has changed after making the transition to a Vegan lifestyle! Or how much spiritual and psychic growth I have experienced as a result. It really is living at a higher frequency!
If you have been getting the guidance to make lifestyle and dietary changes, I'm here to tell you, follow them! You will be amazed at the results! 

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