Monday, April 4, 2016

My Favorite Burrito ~ Vegan

This is my new OBSESSION right now. These burritos are so good and SO healthy! I make up a batch of spanish rice and vegetarian fat free (oil free) "refried" pinto beans and make these burritos with the left overs all week! The secret ingredient that makes them different from EVERY other burrito out there, potatoes. Okay, okay, im sure someone else has discovered this at some time. But seriously, the potatoes are where its at! 

So first off, preheat your oven to 400 F. Peel and dice 2 potatoes and season with chili powder, salt, cumin, paprika and a small amount of cayenne. Toss potatoes to coat evenly. Line a baking dish with parchment paper and spread potatoes. Bake for 20 mins then flip and bake for another 20 mins. They should look something like this! 

Next, warm your tortilla and layer spanish rice, "refried" beans, add potatoes top with guacamole and pico de gallo. Now I like them just like this but my hubbs likes the sauce, hot sauce anyway. Sriracha or tapatio or whatever your favorite hot sauce is. Layer it and roll it up! 
Now this part just puts it over the top! The panini grill! My grill is set to sear and I just leave it on there for a few minutes to brown. If you don't have a panini grill you can use a non stick pan.
Well that's it. Its delicious and my obsession will continue! Have a wonderful day! 

2 peeled and diced potatoes (bake 350 F 40 min) 
Spanish rice 
2 cans vegetarian, fat free "refried" pinto beans 
2 tortillas 
pico de gallo
hot sauce (optional) 

Seasoning for potatoes: (these are estimates as I just sprinkle liberally to coat)
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp salt 
1/2 tsp cumin 
1/2 tsp paprika 
1/4 tsp cayenne 

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