Friday, April 22, 2016

The Redemption of Atlantis

In the beginning, we are told that Adam and Eve succumbed to the temptation of the serpent and ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They had disobeyed the will of the father and we are told that God punished them by kicking them out of the garden.
I have been shown the meaning behind this symbolism in reference to our separated state at this time and what it means for our journey home.

First, I think its important that we establish that things can not be done outside the will of the Father. He is oneness and even Satan is under His authority and can not act outside of Gods authority. So that would lead one to conclude that Adam (which means "humanity" in Hebrew) never acted outside of Gods plan for him, but instead was fulfilling the purpose that God created him for.

It is said that it was a "serpent" that tempted Eve to "eat the fruit" and the effect was that she could then perceive "good" and "evil" which inevitably leads to fear. The first thing that we are going to breakdown is the character of the serpent. There is a portion of our brain that governs our fight and flight response and that portion is known as the R-complex ( also known as the reptilian brain. i.e. the "serpent".
It was our decision to listen to the voice of our reptilian brain and succumb to fear that separated us from the voice of the Father. It has governed our awareness ever since and, ultimately, is the only choice we ever make.
The Garden of Eden was actually a dimension. The 12th and highest dimension where we could commune with God directly. When we chose the voice of fear we instantly fell from that dimension and, if you notice in the scriptures, it's the first time we started to perceive God with fear. From there we fell from the Garden and into time. There are several other dimensions that we experienced in our "fall" but I want to discuss our time on the fifth dimension.

We were in fifth dimensional awareness during the time of Atlantis. We had a long time there and were making great spiritual strides in universal understanding and divine wisdom. So much so that we might have been able to make the return to oneness consciousness from there. It was during this time that we understood the quantum field and used energy medicine, sacred geometry, and the power of the mind and heart to effect our reality, drawing us closer to each other and as a result closer to God. We built great cities and had harmonious societies that were based on cooperation and love. And then the serpent appeared again, influenced by other dimensional beings, and the minds of the people started to listen to the voice of fear once again. This time it was detrimental to our consciousness. These beings set themselves up as gods and encouraged sacrifices and war and the consumption of animal flesh. We could no longer remain at fifth dimension and with the global flood the consciousness of humanity fell to the third dimension under the stronghold of these beings of darkness and locked into the reptilian mind.
War, death, disease, destruction, fear and pain has been the dominate vibration of our existence since the flood. We are being held in this frequency with symbols, rituals, and genetic manipulation. The tides are turning, however, and try as they might, they cannot stop our awakening to the truth!

The most important lesson we can learn is to listen to the voice of God. The voice of oneness and love and not fall into the temptation to listen to the voice of the serpent anymore. At the end of the day we are left standing before the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (fear) and tree of life (love) making this ancient decision again.

We are on the path of becoming what we were created to be. We have faced trials and are learning the deep truths of reality and creation and we will continue on our path upwards and into our collective destiny.

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