Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dream Journey ~ Healing

While napping this afternoon I was taken to a lady, in desperate need of healing. Its always an interesting experience because it seems to simple when it happens but when I try to describe it, its deeper and more complicated to explain. I'm never quite sure exactly how its happening other than I know that it is and its probably occurring on another dimension. Because the dream world is outside of time, it all happens at once, quite seamlessly actually. I'm not at the point where I am aware of what is happening while its happening just yet, I simply know it happened.

This one was a lady in her early fifties probably. I remember how soft her skin looked and clear her eyes were, filed with sadness. She was depressed and mourning her youth. She told me that 32 was her perfect year. That by 32 years old she had been mature enough not to let the little things get to her but young enough to look and feel her best. She said that she knows she can never be as happy as she was when she was 32. This thought, or belief, had really been causing her pain. So we talked, and the great thing about dreams is that we can move around in time. So I asked her to question the truth about the belief that year 32 was as perfect as she was saying. We went back there and she saw that she had struggled a lot during that year. That actually, that year was one when she learned maturity and struggled with self love, she didnt really appreciate her youth. In fact, she was already mourning it. It was probably one of her roughest years that also came with the most self growth. She wasn't happy the whole time like she thought she remembered. That, really, her true happiness about that year came in hindsight. I then asked her to question the belief that she could never be as happy as she was at 32. That's when the actual revelation appeared. The best day, week, month, or year of our lives could be happening right now! You never know because these kinds of perspectives only happen in hindsight. And you never really know when its going to happen next either.

You should have seen the light come back into her eyes as this realization dawned on her. As possibility once again spread across her awareness she said "I could experience the best day of my life tomorrow or next Tuesday!" All of a sudden she was free of a belief system. Free of time and free from her depression. She was healed.
Its really our thoughts and beliefs that cause us pain.

The lesson of happiness being experienced in hindsight is a serious one while I think of it in my fully conscious state. Think about it, how often have our biggest struggles become our most treasured memories? Especially the times we struggle and overcome. Struggles that are filled with growth and lead to new experiences. We tend to chase the things we believe will bring us happiness. We usually have some kind of expectation of how its going to appear, what it will look like and exactly what it will feel like. Usually we are disappointed when this expectation fails us and we feel as though something has been taken from us. But the truth is that our expectation of happiness was never Real to begin with. We live our lives in worlds of illusions, in belief systems. This is a double edge sword because its how we create but the problem is that we get caught up in an illusion as if its reality and miss whats is actually Real. Being present with Reality in the moment is the only thing that's Real. See it with out meaning, in its raw state. Drop the expectation. The story of what we believe "should/shouldn't" be happening and know that at any moment you could be experiencing the happiest time of your life. Be present for it. Treat every moment as if is the happiest and you wont miss it!

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