Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Reflections ~ Release and Surrender

Today is January 12, 2016. My message today is "release and surrender". This has definitely been a theme in my life lately and I am grateful for it. Releasing the things that we absorb, subconsciously and energetically. From other peoples opinions and ideas to the expectations and pre-developed belief systems of society. What is YOU and what is not. I had gotten into the really bad habit of believing that other peoples opinions about my relationship with God was the same as GODS opinion of my relationship with Him. I let fear replace faith and it was restricting and limiting and self abusive. I release that. I have faith that it is God who is leading me on my narrow path and calling me to places that are unacceptable to preconceived beliefs. I also surrender the need to judge others based on my journey and limited understanding. I have faith that it is God who is leading them on their journey, no matter where they are or how they express it.

The Jews say a daily prayer called the shema, part of this prayer is the affirmation "God is One". I choose faith in this, that God is one, and besides Him there is no other god because He is Oneness. Which simply means that all events and circumstances work together for my good, how could they not when God is all there is. So I release fear.

I surrender control and allow others to help me. I am releasing my need to be strong and embracing my vulnerability. I am willing to become the student and truly learn who I am and trust my teachers with my vulnerability. This is not easy for me but I am in my mind most of the time and need to live from my heart, because what is knowledge without love? meaningless.

What are you releasing and surrendering on your journey?

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