Sunday, April 3, 2016

Chocolate Pudding Brownies hclf vegan!

This recipe will be featured on my youtube channel, "What I ate Wednesday" series! I recently began my vegan journey in an effort to lose weight and regain my health and vitality. I had been getting very strong spiritual guidance and signs that the vegan lifestyle was the right one for me. Since beginning this journey over two months ago I feel happier and it has led to the creation of my website, blog and youtube channel! I am now moving forward on my life purpose and helping other Earth Angels do the same!!
I am following a whole foods, plant based style of veganism and I am so excited about the healthy options that I have, like these delicious brownies! When I first made these I was really unsure how they were going to be. When I took them out of the oven they seemed under cooked, even though the knife came out clean, and were just not the consistency that I would call "brownie". After they cooled, though, OMG they were like this magical combination of chocolate pudding and brownie! Even my boys, who don't like veggies, loved them! With these the "can I have another?" is met with "eat the whole plate!". They are basically the texture and consistency of the middle of a pumpkin pie, which reminds me, I am so making these as pumpkin pie squares! YUM-E! Thats my little story and chit chat about these scrumptious Chocolate Pudding Brownies! Enjoy!

3 baked sweet potatoes, peel and cool
1/2 C maple syrup
1/2 C potato starch
1/2 C cocoa powder
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder

Blend thoroughly. Bake 350 F for 45 min or until knife comes out clean

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