Monday, December 28, 2015

A Time of Transformation

Release.... surrender..... Move with the transitions you are going through.
This has been the consistent  message from Holy Spirit throughout the last few weeks and the more I quiet my ego (who yells profusely during any transition) and the more I release fear and step into what is right for me, the more I am seeing these huge shifts taking place like never before. 
A year ago I began my journey into christianity, specifically the hebrew roots movement. I made this paradigm shift coming out of neo-paganism/new age. Each one of these shifts has major cognitive dissonance effects and the ego really has a hard time adjusting to them, mostly because a little bit dies every time your awareness expands. I like to challenge my beliefs, my mind and my perceptions in this way. I like to "put on" a whole new perspective and see where I am led. At the very least I have the knowledge and experience but at the most, I am led to many deep mysteries and spiritual transformations. In this last experience, while in the christian/hebrew roots I discovered SO much about the hebrew language and culture (as it pertains to scripture) that reveal so much more depth in the bible. This led me to the teachings of the Zohar and Kabbalah, the spiritual (as opposed to literal) understandings of the old testament. I am still learning and am by no means an expert, but I did discover that alot of these teachings have more in alignment with some of the new age concepts, ACIM and metaphysical christianity that I had previously abandoned, plus added a whole new dimension to it all. Well these discoveries have led me into another spiritual transition and series of paradigm shifts but in this case its not so much a transition between two different belief systems as it is a shift deeper into whats true for me. I am releasing the need to fit into a specific mold and learning to listen to what is right from my heart. This is where I am.
So, I believe that Jesus is the messiah, I believe that he came to fulfill a covenant and show us the way to the Father by dying to our ego. This process is a journey of spiritual growth, which includes obstacles to over come that strengthen our character as we become the Christ in expression. I believe we are all one, the body of Christ. I believe that everything is frequency and vibration and that the spiritual and physical laws of God are a path to reaching a higher vibration. I believe in the metaphysical reality of our world and that the spiritual battle and deception is real, however, I also believe that God is ONE and that we are safe because He is ultimately in charge and everything works out for our benefit. I believe in energy healing, and crystals and angel cards, especially for self reflection, and prayer and meditation and affirmation. I believe we are creators made in the image and likeness of the Father and that we are here to learn how to create with morality. I believe that when we use affirmations we are speaking life into the world. I also believe in true repentance, which is to face the "mistakes" and right the "wrongs" we have created while learning to understand morality, and to return to the Father. I believe in astrology as He gave us the sun, moon and stars as signs in the heavens and seasons (meeting times). I believe in those "meeting times" as the Holy Days found in lev 23 and that they bring us into alignment with heaven, our angels and the Will of the Father, which I believe is also our will when we learn to get over ourselves. I believe in charity and generosity. I believe that, as earth angels, our job is the same as the heavenly angels; to bring messages of hope, love, and healing to a sick and dying world. 
And ultimately, probably the biggest lesson that I have learned so far on this journey to Truth, is that everything in this world has deception twisted into it. that snake has slithered into every part of our spiritual beliefs and world religions. He that decevieth the whole world. When I realised that I also realised that the journey must be led by having faith and trust in the Lord for what he is calling us too, personally. Trust the guidance that we receive and always stay connected through prayer.

Now I would love to share with you a chakra meditation that I was guided to do during cleansing bath ceremony. I used a rose quartz stone in the water and lavender essential oil to anoint each chakra with while I said each prayer. 

Crown chakra: "I anoint my crown chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it that I may lay down my judgments, opinions and beliefs, so that I can receive True guidance from Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, and my angels." 

Third eye chakra: "I anoint my third eye chakra in the name of Christ and ask holy spirit to clear and open it, that I may see with my spiritual sight. Allow me to see the truth from Holy Spirits perspective in every person and situation" 

Ear chakras: "I anoint my ear chakras in the name of Christ and ask Holy spirit to clear and open them, that I may hear the small, still voice of God and the Holy Spirit." 

Throat chakra: "I anoint my throat chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy spirit to clear and open it, that I may speak life and affirm the Truth with kindness, gentleness and love." 

Heart chakra: "I anoint my heart chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it that I may give freely from it to others, feel for others the way Heavenly Father feels for them and be guided by it." 

Solar plexus chakra: "I anoint my solar plexus chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it, that my will may be aligned with the Will of Heavenly Father and that I may have the will power to over come." 

Sacral chakra: "I anoint my sacral chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it, that I may become my most creative self and hear and feel my emotions more clearly." 

Root chakra: "I anoint my root chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it, that I may be grounded in my body and connected to it, that I may feel it and communicate with it. also with the material world. While I am in the world but not of it, let me be at peace with it and trust Heavenly Father that I am safe in His hand."  

Thank you for coming along with me and letting me share my journey with you. ~ In grace and gratitude.

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