Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Feast of Dedication

"O send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me; let them bring me unto the mountain of thy holiness and to thy tabernacles" psalm 43:3

The feast of Dedication is all about cleansing our hearts and minds of the idols of the world. Its about rededicating our lives to the kingdom of God and and putting Truth before everything else. Its about dedicating our lives to loving each other and caring for our brothers and sisters. During this time we wipe our hearts clear of selfishness and give them in obedience to the Lord. A course in Miracles teaches that Gods will is our will. What this truly means is that once we realize that what we really want is what God wants and not what we think we want, we find peace and joy in obedience to His will. When we can put aside our egos, our pride, our worldly natural selves and see with the eyes of Holy Spirit, we experience miracles everywhere.

Chanukah prayer ~

Dear Heavenly Father, I dedicate the altar of my heart to you. Wipe clean the idols in my life that your will may be done through me, as I know that your will is what I truly want. I lay down the judgments, opinions and beliefs of my prideful ego and ask to see with the eyes of the Holy Spirit, to be taught Truth. Teach me the ways of your Kingdom and lead me in service to others. In Grace and Gratitude, In Jesus name, Amen  

We can now meditate and allow our judgments and beliefs to surface, ask Holy Spirit to show you truth when they arise and then release them. see yourself dropping your "idols" into the fire and coming into alignment with God and His will.


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