Monday, December 28, 2015

A Time of Transformation

Release.... surrender..... Move with the transitions you are going through.
This has been the consistent  message from Holy Spirit throughout the last few weeks and the more I quiet my ego (who yells profusely during any transition) and the more I release fear and step into what is right for me, the more I am seeing these huge shifts taking place like never before. 
A year ago I began my journey into christianity, specifically the hebrew roots movement. I made this paradigm shift coming out of neo-paganism/new age. Each one of these shifts has major cognitive dissonance effects and the ego really has a hard time adjusting to them, mostly because a little bit dies every time your awareness expands. I like to challenge my beliefs, my mind and my perceptions in this way. I like to "put on" a whole new perspective and see where I am led. At the very least I have the knowledge and experience but at the most, I am led to many deep mysteries and spiritual transformations. In this last experience, while in the christian/hebrew roots I discovered SO much about the hebrew language and culture (as it pertains to scripture) that reveal so much more depth in the bible. This led me to the teachings of the Zohar and Kabbalah, the spiritual (as opposed to literal) understandings of the old testament. I am still learning and am by no means an expert, but I did discover that alot of these teachings have more in alignment with some of the new age concepts, ACIM and metaphysical christianity that I had previously abandoned, plus added a whole new dimension to it all. Well these discoveries have led me into another spiritual transition and series of paradigm shifts but in this case its not so much a transition between two different belief systems as it is a shift deeper into whats true for me. I am releasing the need to fit into a specific mold and learning to listen to what is right from my heart. This is where I am.
So, I believe that Jesus is the messiah, I believe that he came to fulfill a covenant and show us the way to the Father by dying to our ego. This process is a journey of spiritual growth, which includes obstacles to over come that strengthen our character as we become the Christ in expression. I believe we are all one, the body of Christ. I believe that everything is frequency and vibration and that the spiritual and physical laws of God are a path to reaching a higher vibration. I believe in the metaphysical reality of our world and that the spiritual battle and deception is real, however, I also believe that God is ONE and that we are safe because He is ultimately in charge and everything works out for our benefit. I believe in energy healing, and crystals and angel cards, especially for self reflection, and prayer and meditation and affirmation. I believe we are creators made in the image and likeness of the Father and that we are here to learn how to create with morality. I believe that when we use affirmations we are speaking life into the world. I also believe in true repentance, which is to face the "mistakes" and right the "wrongs" we have created while learning to understand morality, and to return to the Father. I believe in astrology as He gave us the sun, moon and stars as signs in the heavens and seasons (meeting times). I believe in those "meeting times" as the Holy Days found in lev 23 and that they bring us into alignment with heaven, our angels and the Will of the Father, which I believe is also our will when we learn to get over ourselves. I believe in charity and generosity. I believe that, as earth angels, our job is the same as the heavenly angels; to bring messages of hope, love, and healing to a sick and dying world. 
And ultimately, probably the biggest lesson that I have learned so far on this journey to Truth, is that everything in this world has deception twisted into it. that snake has slithered into every part of our spiritual beliefs and world religions. He that decevieth the whole world. When I realised that I also realised that the journey must be led by having faith and trust in the Lord for what he is calling us too, personally. Trust the guidance that we receive and always stay connected through prayer.

Now I would love to share with you a chakra meditation that I was guided to do during cleansing bath ceremony. I used a rose quartz stone in the water and lavender essential oil to anoint each chakra with while I said each prayer. 

Crown chakra: "I anoint my crown chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it that I may lay down my judgments, opinions and beliefs, so that I can receive True guidance from Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, and my angels." 

Third eye chakra: "I anoint my third eye chakra in the name of Christ and ask holy spirit to clear and open it, that I may see with my spiritual sight. Allow me to see the truth from Holy Spirits perspective in every person and situation" 

Ear chakras: "I anoint my ear chakras in the name of Christ and ask Holy spirit to clear and open them, that I may hear the small, still voice of God and the Holy Spirit." 

Throat chakra: "I anoint my throat chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy spirit to clear and open it, that I may speak life and affirm the Truth with kindness, gentleness and love." 

Heart chakra: "I anoint my heart chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it that I may give freely from it to others, feel for others the way Heavenly Father feels for them and be guided by it." 

Solar plexus chakra: "I anoint my solar plexus chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it, that my will may be aligned with the Will of Heavenly Father and that I may have the will power to over come." 

Sacral chakra: "I anoint my sacral chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it, that I may become my most creative self and hear and feel my emotions more clearly." 

Root chakra: "I anoint my root chakra in the name of Christ and ask Holy Spirit to clear and open it, that I may be grounded in my body and connected to it, that I may feel it and communicate with it. also with the material world. While I am in the world but not of it, let me be at peace with it and trust Heavenly Father that I am safe in His hand."  

Thank you for coming along with me and letting me share my journey with you. ~ In grace and gratitude.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Feast of Dedication

"O send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me; let them bring me unto the mountain of thy holiness and to thy tabernacles" psalm 43:3

The feast of Dedication is all about cleansing our hearts and minds of the idols of the world. Its about rededicating our lives to the kingdom of God and and putting Truth before everything else. Its about dedicating our lives to loving each other and caring for our brothers and sisters. During this time we wipe our hearts clear of selfishness and give them in obedience to the Lord. A course in Miracles teaches that Gods will is our will. What this truly means is that once we realize that what we really want is what God wants and not what we think we want, we find peace and joy in obedience to His will. When we can put aside our egos, our pride, our worldly natural selves and see with the eyes of Holy Spirit, we experience miracles everywhere.

Chanukah prayer ~

Dear Heavenly Father, I dedicate the altar of my heart to you. Wipe clean the idols in my life that your will may be done through me, as I know that your will is what I truly want. I lay down the judgments, opinions and beliefs of my prideful ego and ask to see with the eyes of the Holy Spirit, to be taught Truth. Teach me the ways of your Kingdom and lead me in service to others. In Grace and Gratitude, In Jesus name, Amen  

We can now meditate and allow our judgments and beliefs to surface, ask Holy Spirit to show you truth when they arise and then release them. see yourself dropping your "idols" into the fire and coming into alignment with God and His will.


Sunday, December 6, 2015

First Night of Chanukah

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you" Isaiah 60:1 

Tonight, on the first night of Chanukah, the light is kindled in the Temple of our hearts. After this past year of worldly concerns and earthly matters, the light dawns on the gates of Heaven and shines for all to see. The Angels of Chanukah descend to bring the miracles of God to those who bear His Light. Together we can let this light shine on those in darkness, sorrow and need, that they may feel eternally loved and cared for. 

Light the middle candle (this is the servant candle) with this candle light the first candle on the far right. 
Chanukah Prayer~ 

"Dear Heavenly Father, Creator of the Light, thank you for this season of miracles. I open the temple of my heart, please fill it with your loving Light. Let me bear it, humbly, for all those who need to feel your love. Send the Angels of Chanukah to guide my way that I may serve the Kingdom. Please pour out your Peace, Love, Grace, and Mercy upon this world. In grace and gratitude, in Jesus name, Amen <3

Now we can meditate on releasing the concerns of your ego that you have been carrying around the past year and let Heavens glorious Light fill your heart. You may get feelings or see how you can be of service to those who need your Light.  

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Chanukah ~ A Celebration of Gods Miracles

After much research, as well as my personal history, I have decided to start celebrating Chanukah and other Biblical holidays instead of Christmas and traditional holidays. Not because I want to be Jewish or because I think that we "have" too, but because I want to celebrate the holidays that God provided for us in scripture. I've done this for a year now and I am still getting used to it. because I'm not attempting to be Jewish I have been trying out different traditions and more universal spiritual meanings with these celebrations. Chanukah is traditionally celebrated as a time when the Jewish people were occupied by the roman empire, and they had taken over the temple. The Maccabees were a Jewish family that led a revolt to take back the temple and drive the Romans out. They succeeded but did not have enough oil to keep the menorah lit for the eight days it would take to make more. God provided the miracle of Chanukah and the small amount of oil lasted the entire time.
 While this is a very beautiful story, I personally see in it a celebration of the miracles of provisions that God provides for His people throughout the entire year! I celebrate this holiday in gratitude and appreciation of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Chanukah is Hebrew for "the feast of dedication". I celebrate this time of year as a refocusing and "clearing out" of my own temple from the things of this world that I have been over focused on and perhaps even placed before the altar instead of God. A time to get my mind off of the things of the flesh and onto the deep things of the Spirit. dedicating and re-centering myself in the Heavenly Kingdom!
Chanukah is also known as The Festival of Lights! So naturally we celebrate the Light of our Heavenly Father, the Light of the Angels and the Light of the Kingdom and the Light of Christ inside us, shining in the world! We are the Children of Light and in this time of darkness we let our light shine even brighter.
Because Chanukah isn't that popular, there aren't many decorations available so we get to make our own, which I think is a perfect sentiment for this holiday. The central focus is the menorah (I will do another post about the spiritual significance of it soon), so we use that as a symbol to decorate with, as well as Angels! They represent miracles to me. We also use stars as a symbol of Gods guidance. And lots and lots of lights and candles. The biggest theme I try to incorporate is that of charity and generosity, sharing miracles and Gods grace with others.
In the Kingdom of God, the angels and other heavenly hosts keep a cycle of festivals that celebrate Gods love and tell a prophetic story of His plan for us. He laid out a calendar of those festivals in scripture and some extra biblical texts, like the books of enoch and jubilees. This calendar keeps us attuned to the Kingdom of Heaven.
This festival is a good time to become sensitive to the deep things of God, celebrating His Spirit and Light and feeling gratitude for the many miracles and blessings Heaven has provided for us.
Happy Chanukah and many miracles to you <3

Monday, July 6, 2015

Through Heaven's Eyes

     I was driving home from dropping my son off at school, meandering through a small  subdivision nestled on the back roads. I love taking the long way when driving, with no music and no one there except my thoughts. Just as I passed a speed bump I saw him. He pulled out behind me and followed me though the stop sign before flipping his lights on. Crap! what did I do?? I must have rolled through that stop sign or something! Damn! My husband is going to kill me! My thoughts raced along these lines as I pulled off to the side and rolled down my window for him. Turns out he pulled me over for the crack in my windshield. As he walked back to his patrol car with all my information I heard my Angels voice whisper "look through heavens eyes". As I released all my personal judgments about what was happening I could see into the spiritual realm, what was happening on a higher level. I was being called to do intercessory work here, so I started praying. I prayed for his safety, I prayed for his family. The more I prayed the more I was shown what to pray for. I prayed for his daughter and a situation with her boyfriend. I prayed and prayed until he walked back to my car with my information (and my ticket :( lol). I was filled with joy and peace, even the situation couldn't dampen my sparkle. I love when I recognize that I am being called for something greater than myself and the love that God fills you with when you extend it out to others is amazing. 

     I have realized, and am constantly reminded, that magical things happen when we release our judgments, opinions and beliefs about a situation and step out of our own perspective for just a moment. A Course in Miracles says "the Holy Spirits voice is as loud as our willingness to listen" and, to me, this is an observable fact that I see over and over again. I see glimpses of Heaven every time I take off my perspective and am willing to see Gods plan for me in that moment. There is so much more going on in the spiritual realm than we could even imagine and we are called to be Angels on earth working in and for the Kingdom. It is our choice in every situation to hold onto our opinions and continue living in our separate little world or to give up everything we think we know about what's going on and see behind the scenes into the spiritual world of wonder. Into the Kingdom of Heaven. 

   Giving up our perspective isn't always easy because "our world" is all we know at first, and as miserable as it may be, its also reliable. I watch people who are so convinced of their "story" that they miss some of the most beautiful callings that God has for them. I see people suffering the condemnation of their own judgments about people or situations. Heaven is ready to throw open the gates to every person who is willing to walk through them. You have an incredible calling on your life, a calling to bring light and love and hope and healing into the lives of others who are lost and in need. The next time you find yourself in a less than desirable situation know that there is an Angel waiting for you to listen and to see!! <3

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Following Ancient Pathways into New Possibilities

So, I've been on my magical spiritual journey now for quite some time and I'm still rolling along. I am constantly amazed at each new horizon I come to. Just when I think I cant possibly learn anything new (which my ego often tells me) I experience more mind blowing perspectives and information than I could even conceive of. I think God does it on purpose so we are reminded just how little we do know and how much more we have yet to discover.
I am definitely not of any traditional religion but I love studying and reading and absorbing all of humanities perspectives and encounters with God and Heavenly beings. I find pretty similar themes among most all the cultural stories and histories that I've studied, which I find most fascinating! My most recent little journey has taken me into the realm of the Hebrew tradition in order to understand Christianity more fully. Man, let me tell you, the truth behind this religion is so much more fascinating, so much more exciting and engaging than the surface, diluted version that it has turned into. First thing I must say is that the Hebrew religion (the roots of both Christianity and Judaism) is an eastern religion. this is a big deal to understanding the perspectives of the people at the time they were writing the scriptures and the real meat and potatoes within them. This religion thinks along similar lines as the ancient Chinese and Hindu religions. It is different, of course, but its actually much closer to them than it is to the modern western Christian mindset. Hebrew is a very ancient and very complex language which makes studying it difficult for someone who doesn't actually know any Hebrew (cough, cough), LOL but fascinating none the less. As I'm listening to teachers and scholars who do know Hebrew I am astounded at what I'm hearing as they are retelling very familiar stories of Genesis, Moses, Old testament (Tanak) and New testament (Brit Chadashah) with details and concepts that I have never heard before!!
It would take a whole book to go over the details and specifics so instead I will just tell you some what I came away with k. btw, I highly recommend studying it yourself if your interested! Anyway the first thing that I notice is that the entire Law of Moses that was given in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (known collectively as the Torah) is essentially instructions for raising your frequency and living a high vibrational lifestyle in alignment with God! I know sounds kinda new agey, right? The Torah is more of an exoteric way of living until your communion with God through this vibrational path, reveals more esoteric mysteries to you. The new testament and the teachings of Yeshua (jesus) reveal many of the esoteric teachings of the Torah. I am continually fascinated at the mathematical principles and timing that God gives for his holy days, feasts and calendar and so much more! For instance, the Sabbath is a Holy day that is observed every seven days, the sabbatical year is observed every seven years, the Jubilee year is observed every fifty years. While listening to the teachings of genesis it became clear what the intent of the Sabbath really is. God created the heavens and the earth in six days and on the seventh He rested so we are instructed to work six days and rest on the seventh. Pretty typical, right? The esoteric teaching under this, though, is that for six days we can create, put into order, bring into being and all the other wonderful affirmative ways that we can co create our reality. Both physically, through things like our jobs, craft projects, cleaning and organizing and also through spiritual means of visualization, law of attraction, affirmations and so on. The seventh day of rest is really a day of non creation. a day of receptivity, prayer, meditation and deep gratitude, to really sink our roots into our spiritual practice and focus all our love on God and commune with Him in whatever way we connect with. It is a precious gift to us, this day of rest. I found it to be very satisfying and transformational. I don't know how to explain it but it feels very balanced to have this internal day to spiritually recharge. Kind of a side note, but definitely cool, during this time in my life I started having dreams and because of some of my other findings I started looking at my dreams differently. I started understanding my dreams as actual communication and guidance from Heaven. I realized that I was having many angel visitation dreams and so many confirming dreams and so many teaching dreams. I am so glad that I started paying attention to my dreams this way as it has really expanded my awareness and totally boosted my faith and confidence in my clairvoyant and claircognizant abilities. I really do love getting personal with God!!
There are many teachings that I have found that are really in tune and in touch with this vibrational universe and in my opinion, they were explaining many scientific and metaphysical concepts long long ago! These ancient religions are truly a wonder to delve into and quite a challenge to shift your own perspective into the mindset of the culture and time. My true purpose is to bring the kingdom of Heaven into my life and let healing light shine into the world!! I am so honored to be part of these supernatural experiences and all the lessons that I learn through them. I am still growing in many ways, especially extra sensory ways, which is totally awesome!! I am excited to be able to share the things I learn and my experiences here and hopefully hear others experiences and opinions as well!! In closing, May all those who read this be blessed and may the light of the heavens shine in your life!!