Monday, January 23, 2017

How to Find Your Purpose!

Hi Angel! I know your heart is heavy in this world and you feel like you were dropped off here with no directions, no guidance and no one to turn too. You have this inner knowing that your purpose is BIG and a voice in your heart that urges you onward. Still you feel lost or scared about how to make these things happen.
Many Earth Angels that I talk too are still looking for confirmation of who they are. I am going to be honest with you, darling, the only thing holding you back from making your dreams come true and living your purpose, creating change in the world, is your CONFIDENCE! That's it, I know it sounds simple but its the honest truth. You ARE hearing your Angels guidance. You ARE being given signs. You ARE in touch with your intuition and your higher self! You simply aren't CONFIDENT enough to take ACTION on the guidance you receive. You second guess your abilities and question your intuition, seeking out confirmation of your abilities, identity, purpose and intuition from an outside source. Like anyone can tell you who you are or what your purpose is! I'm here to tell you that they can't and it wouldn't matter if they could because your purpose relies on YOUR confidence in order to succeed, not peoples confidence in you. Every person who has succeeded has done so because they believed in themselves and every person who has given up has done so because THEY didn't believe. It has never had anything to do with anyone else. This is good news because confidence is a skill that can be cultivated and built!
The first part is to identify why you lack confidence. Everyone (including you, love) have had events happen in their lives that they have given negative meanings too. These meanings have created a fear in you because you have identified your self worth with that meaning. For example; when I was younger I was scolded for being "too sensitive". I felt rejected and out of that event I formed the meaning that who I am isn't good enough. Another example; in the past I started several different schooling programs and dropped out. I felt disappointed and over time I formed the meaning that I am a failure who cant finish anything. Write down your own events in your life that made you feel bad in one way or another. Now write down how that event made you feel and the meaning you made of it. Next, I want you to write out a different meaning that you could make out of it, a positive one, and how the new meaning makes you feel. For instance; being too sensitive also means that I can empathize with others and help them. It means that I can feel energy shift faster than others around me who aren't as sensitive. Being emotional evokes emotion in other people and forces them to confront it, which is what they are really rejecting. When I think of this new meaning, that is also true, I feel like being " too sensitive" is a gift that brings me closer to people. In the same instance, dropping out of school also means that I was listening to my intuition and getting out before I was too stuck doing something I don't enjoy. It also means that I know now that I am doing what I'm meant to because I know what it feels like not to be doing what I love. When I think of these new meanings I feel more confident in my decisions and purpose. Identify those areas in your life where you are lacking confidence, making excuses and "putting off until tomorrow". Question the meanings associated with your fears and change your mind!!
Your going to want to work with your Angels and ask them to help you let go of these negative beliefs. Visualize them severing dark shadows from your energy body and your new meanings being infused with white or green light. See this light filling your body and the holes where your old beliefs were removed. Also ask the Angels to show you any beliefs that you may have forgotten or overlooked. Trust them when you see them. Keep smokey quartz with you and use frankincense, sandalwood, peppermint or lavender essential oil to clear your energy. I would recommend getting one of the essential oil blends; Release, Trauma Life or Transformation from Young Living for some serious therapeutic healing! You can also give your confidence a little boost with Believe or Clarity EO blends!
You purpose is entirely in your hands, Angel! Its what you ARE meant to do! Now have confidence and change the world like the Earth Angel that you ARE!

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