Friday, March 25, 2016

Living Your Purpose

For a long time I had let doubt, poor self image and lack of confidence convince me not to chase down my dream and completely diminish my purpose. I spent my life living excuses and telling myself all the reasons I couldn't do something. In my head I would plan out what I wanted to do and how it would look in the future. On Dec 21, 2015 I got real with one of my biggest hurdles, my weight. I realized that I had spent the last ten years wishing I looked different, avoiding going places, starting diets and sabotaging them and just being miserable, none of which had made any difference. well that's not true it had made me fatter. I finally realized that I did not want to be in the same situation ten, twenty, forty years from now having spent my whole life stuck in the same cycles, living the same miserable unsatisfied life.
So with this determination I began my new lifestyle. In the last month or so it has evolved and developed into a lifestyle of veganism. Mostly high carb, low fat plant based. I still have a long way to go on that front but I'm on the journey.
Following the same realizations I have overcome my self doubt and wishy washy mindset to take some concrete steps on my purpose. I am an Earth Angel and I love nothing more than bringing messages of love and hope to a world that is in desperate need of heavens love. I am driven to help other Earth Angels find their purpose and stay on track. Giving guidance to those who feel temporarily disconnected from Gods voice. Helping them find their wings again. As well as helping them heal and stay energetically clear so that they can stay in contact and alignment with the Kingdom.

If you are reading this then this message is for you. Spread your wings and release the chains of fear, my loves. Chase your dreams with wild enthusiasm and let go of all expectations about how things will turn out. Have faith in the unseen realms ability to place you exactly where you need to be and be eager for each new assignment and opportunity, no matter the size. We are all here on this earth for one purpose, to live our purpose and create a more loving and beautiful world. All your worries, all your doubts and all your fears that you allow to stop you, gives the message to other earth angels that its okay for their worries, doubts and fears to stop them as well and where does that lead us? A world without healers, without messengers of hope. A world where nothing changes. Your mission is huge and you are important. You were given certain fears, doubts and character flaws for one reason and one reason only... to overcome them. You don't fear what other people think of you because you're not meant to do something, you fear it because overcoming it will strengthen your spirit, your true self.
The biggest setback to accomplishing your dreams is having expectations of how things should be. It causes us to lack gratitude about where we are and what we have. It can and does prevent us from experience our true purpose, that which we couldn't even begin to fathom. Expectation is all about living in the future and comparing yourself to your imagined perfect situation. Or even worse, comparing yourself to other people. There is nothing self loving about having expectations.
Setting intentions about the things you want to experience without expectation is self loving, manifesting, creating and being your purpose. Living in the magic of each experience as it happens, fills our hearts with gratitude and our minds with wisdom.
If you are struggling with direction and purpose I urge you to seek out someone on your behalf who can tap into the great creative mind, round up your angels and have a sit down conference about the next steps for you to take. If you are struggling with old wounds and serious mental blocks, I urge you to seek out a healer who can hold a powerful space of truth and love and allow the divine perfection to heal you. Basically, seek out the help that you need to get you inspired and take action because we need your gifts, talents and blessings in this world. You are needed and deeply loved 
If you are interested in spreading your wings, healing your wounds and getting some serious angel guidance, please check out my etsy store, Earth Angel Living in the meantime; "Teach love, for that is what you are" ~ ACIM