Monday, July 6, 2015

Through Heaven's Eyes

     I was driving home from dropping my son off at school, meandering through a small  subdivision nestled on the back roads. I love taking the long way when driving, with no music and no one there except my thoughts. Just as I passed a speed bump I saw him. He pulled out behind me and followed me though the stop sign before flipping his lights on. Crap! what did I do?? I must have rolled through that stop sign or something! Damn! My husband is going to kill me! My thoughts raced along these lines as I pulled off to the side and rolled down my window for him. Turns out he pulled me over for the crack in my windshield. As he walked back to his patrol car with all my information I heard my Angels voice whisper "look through heavens eyes". As I released all my personal judgments about what was happening I could see into the spiritual realm, what was happening on a higher level. I was being called to do intercessory work here, so I started praying. I prayed for his safety, I prayed for his family. The more I prayed the more I was shown what to pray for. I prayed for his daughter and a situation with her boyfriend. I prayed and prayed until he walked back to my car with my information (and my ticket :( lol). I was filled with joy and peace, even the situation couldn't dampen my sparkle. I love when I recognize that I am being called for something greater than myself and the love that God fills you with when you extend it out to others is amazing. 

     I have realized, and am constantly reminded, that magical things happen when we release our judgments, opinions and beliefs about a situation and step out of our own perspective for just a moment. A Course in Miracles says "the Holy Spirits voice is as loud as our willingness to listen" and, to me, this is an observable fact that I see over and over again. I see glimpses of Heaven every time I take off my perspective and am willing to see Gods plan for me in that moment. There is so much more going on in the spiritual realm than we could even imagine and we are called to be Angels on earth working in and for the Kingdom. It is our choice in every situation to hold onto our opinions and continue living in our separate little world or to give up everything we think we know about what's going on and see behind the scenes into the spiritual world of wonder. Into the Kingdom of Heaven. 

   Giving up our perspective isn't always easy because "our world" is all we know at first, and as miserable as it may be, its also reliable. I watch people who are so convinced of their "story" that they miss some of the most beautiful callings that God has for them. I see people suffering the condemnation of their own judgments about people or situations. Heaven is ready to throw open the gates to every person who is willing to walk through them. You have an incredible calling on your life, a calling to bring light and love and hope and healing into the lives of others who are lost and in need. The next time you find yourself in a less than desirable situation know that there is an Angel waiting for you to listen and to see!! <3