Thursday, June 25, 2015

Following Ancient Pathways into New Possibilities

So, I've been on my magical spiritual journey now for quite some time and I'm still rolling along. I am constantly amazed at each new horizon I come to. Just when I think I cant possibly learn anything new (which my ego often tells me) I experience more mind blowing perspectives and information than I could even conceive of. I think God does it on purpose so we are reminded just how little we do know and how much more we have yet to discover.
I am definitely not of any traditional religion but I love studying and reading and absorbing all of humanities perspectives and encounters with God and Heavenly beings. I find pretty similar themes among most all the cultural stories and histories that I've studied, which I find most fascinating! My most recent little journey has taken me into the realm of the Hebrew tradition in order to understand Christianity more fully. Man, let me tell you, the truth behind this religion is so much more fascinating, so much more exciting and engaging than the surface, diluted version that it has turned into. First thing I must say is that the Hebrew religion (the roots of both Christianity and Judaism) is an eastern religion. this is a big deal to understanding the perspectives of the people at the time they were writing the scriptures and the real meat and potatoes within them. This religion thinks along similar lines as the ancient Chinese and Hindu religions. It is different, of course, but its actually much closer to them than it is to the modern western Christian mindset. Hebrew is a very ancient and very complex language which makes studying it difficult for someone who doesn't actually know any Hebrew (cough, cough), LOL but fascinating none the less. As I'm listening to teachers and scholars who do know Hebrew I am astounded at what I'm hearing as they are retelling very familiar stories of Genesis, Moses, Old testament (Tanak) and New testament (Brit Chadashah) with details and concepts that I have never heard before!!
It would take a whole book to go over the details and specifics so instead I will just tell you some what I came away with k. btw, I highly recommend studying it yourself if your interested! Anyway the first thing that I notice is that the entire Law of Moses that was given in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (known collectively as the Torah) is essentially instructions for raising your frequency and living a high vibrational lifestyle in alignment with God! I know sounds kinda new agey, right? The Torah is more of an exoteric way of living until your communion with God through this vibrational path, reveals more esoteric mysteries to you. The new testament and the teachings of Yeshua (jesus) reveal many of the esoteric teachings of the Torah. I am continually fascinated at the mathematical principles and timing that God gives for his holy days, feasts and calendar and so much more! For instance, the Sabbath is a Holy day that is observed every seven days, the sabbatical year is observed every seven years, the Jubilee year is observed every fifty years. While listening to the teachings of genesis it became clear what the intent of the Sabbath really is. God created the heavens and the earth in six days and on the seventh He rested so we are instructed to work six days and rest on the seventh. Pretty typical, right? The esoteric teaching under this, though, is that for six days we can create, put into order, bring into being and all the other wonderful affirmative ways that we can co create our reality. Both physically, through things like our jobs, craft projects, cleaning and organizing and also through spiritual means of visualization, law of attraction, affirmations and so on. The seventh day of rest is really a day of non creation. a day of receptivity, prayer, meditation and deep gratitude, to really sink our roots into our spiritual practice and focus all our love on God and commune with Him in whatever way we connect with. It is a precious gift to us, this day of rest. I found it to be very satisfying and transformational. I don't know how to explain it but it feels very balanced to have this internal day to spiritually recharge. Kind of a side note, but definitely cool, during this time in my life I started having dreams and because of some of my other findings I started looking at my dreams differently. I started understanding my dreams as actual communication and guidance from Heaven. I realized that I was having many angel visitation dreams and so many confirming dreams and so many teaching dreams. I am so glad that I started paying attention to my dreams this way as it has really expanded my awareness and totally boosted my faith and confidence in my clairvoyant and claircognizant abilities. I really do love getting personal with God!!
There are many teachings that I have found that are really in tune and in touch with this vibrational universe and in my opinion, they were explaining many scientific and metaphysical concepts long long ago! These ancient religions are truly a wonder to delve into and quite a challenge to shift your own perspective into the mindset of the culture and time. My true purpose is to bring the kingdom of Heaven into my life and let healing light shine into the world!! I am so honored to be part of these supernatural experiences and all the lessons that I learn through them. I am still growing in many ways, especially extra sensory ways, which is totally awesome!! I am excited to be able to share the things I learn and my experiences here and hopefully hear others experiences and opinions as well!! In closing, May all those who read this be blessed and may the light of the heavens shine in your life!!